Seniors. I support programs that help seniors afford to live comfortably and independently in their homes. Anything to help seniors make ends meet such as the EPIC drug discount program, HEAP, and services like free transportation all go a long way to making life easier for seniors. As family caregivers to my mother for nearly a decade before she passed away, my wife and I know firsthand the importance of supporting caregivers. Seniors and the disabled with caregiver support are able to stay at home where they want to be rather than be placed in a nursing home. Not everyone can stay at home no matter how hard the family tries. That is why I am a big advocate for the nursing home in Albany County and a big advocate for expanding assisted living opportunities as well.

Education. I am a strong advocate and product of public education (K-12 public schools, SUNY New Paltz and the University at Albany). I am extremely dismayed at what I consider teacher bashing from people who find it easier to find scapegoats than real solutions. Ending poverty, creating jobs and growing the Middle Class will do more to improve our schools than achievement tests, charter schools and adding bureacratic mandates on administrators. Smaller class size, professional development and administrative and technical support coupled with a stronger economy will do far more to improve our schools than anything else.

Women. I am pro choice and support the enactment of the Reproductive Health Act. I support the Healthy Teen Act. I believe women should be paid the same as men for the same job. I support paid family leave and would expand paid leave for early child care. I support making sure jobs are not lost in areas where women tend to be employed such as schools and hospitals and nursing homes.

Families. I continue to be a strong advocate for Early Intervention and support adequate funding for this essential program which saves $7 for every $1 invested. Helping children from birth to age three overcome developmental delays at an early age when children’s brains are most active makes perfect sense. Children with developmental delays must get proper screenings and services in a timely manner and shortsighted cuts today will cost us much more tomorrow. I also support special education services for preschoolers and all children and I
support Universal Pre-K.

Environmental Concerns. I oppose hydrofracking and believe we must instead emphasize development of alternative renewable energy such as wind and solar power. Such development will create jobs and expand economic development opportunities. I support ensuring the environmental defense fund is fully funded and protected from being raided. I believe we need to keep our air and our water clean and will fight attempts to weaken important clean air and clean water laws and regulations.

Government Reform. I support accountability and transparencey and have a record of initiating reforms of county government including co-sponsoring last years comprehensive ethics reform legislation in Albany County. I support election reform and will fight to make sure people have access to the polls and candidates have a fair chance to get elected and serve his or her community. I support public financing of campaigns. It is a priority because without it lobbyists and special interests will continue to have too much influence in our government. I believe we must have the separation of lobbyist and state -- and have advocated for keeping lobbyists off government committees and commissions.

Economic Development. I fully support Governor Cuomo’s regional economic development councils. I believe these councils will create jobs and expand economic development around the State. I also support creating incentives for small businesses so that they can expand and grow. Small businesses make up the greatest majority of new jobs and helping them is a priority. I continue to support my proposal to dedicate a portion of the Hotel/Motel Occupancy Tax to fund local arts and cultural institutions and organizations. Supporting the arts will significantly benefit the local economy by increasing tourism and expanding arts programming. Legalizing mixed martial arts and the impact it will bring through the establishment of gyms - small businesses - and MMA fans visiting our region will be a positive effect.

Taxes. I support a progressive tax system that is fair and adequate to meet the needs of the people of New York State. Imposing a tax cap on schools and local governments without increasing state aid and cutting back on unfunded mandates. Schools need resources to educate children and local governments cannot balance their budgets without drastic cuts in jobs and programs. A better approach would be to deliver more State aid collected with a broad based State income tax. Coupled with reasonable mandate relief and incentives for local government consolidation and shared services will help achieve the goals reducing the costs of local governments as well as keeping property taxes down.

Labor. I am a strong advocate of organized labor and believe workers have the fundamental right to organize and collectily bargain. I will oppose any effort to bust unions. Labor unions are the key to a strong and vibrant Middle Class and serve, I believe, as a counter-balance to big business and corporate greed. As the number of private sector labor unions have declined, so too has the Middle Class. Our quality of life and standard of living is where it is today in large part because of the tireless efforts of labor unions. Weekends, forty-hour work weeks, workplace safety standards, laws against harassment, the minimum wage are just a few of things we take for granted but brought to us because of the work of labor unions.